Pet projects

Title: ResourceTracker

Description: A tool for remote execution in a cloud environment.

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Quarkus
  • Kafka
  • Terraform
    • AWS

Title: RepoAchiever

Description: A tool used for remote content achieving operations.

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Quarkus
  • SQLite3
  • RMI
  • JavaFX

Title: SyE

Description: Minimalistic CLI editor, with the custom programming language based themes and widgets feature support.

  • C++
  • ncurses

Title: light-detector

Description: A driver-like application, which allows to communicate with TSL2591X light sensor, based on STM32L476RG embedded system.

  • C++
  • STM32
  • TSL2591X

Title: sniffer

Description: A driver-like application, which allows to use ESP32 board as a sniffer for the provided WIFI network.

  • C++
  • ESP32

Title: tetris

Description: Simplified implementation of Tetris game written in TASM(Turbo Assembly).

  • TASM(Turbo Assembly)




Title: Internship at CD Projekt RED

Description: RED Summer Internship was an opportunity even for a moderately experienced engineer to learn new horizons in his field of activity. In my case, I learnt the best practices that CD Projekt RED's experienced engineers follow, as well as learnt about the work culture of a company that occupies the highest positions in the industry. Due to gained experience I'm able to find new acquaintances. In my opinion, it is necessary not only to receive knowledge, but also to provide it. Therefore, I share best practices in the development of distributed systems with heavy workloads with open-source projects being a fellow contributer.

  • Communication
  • Networking
  • Improved soft skills
  • Improved hard skills


Title: Volunteer Hot Dog Cook

Description: After the beginning of the war in Ukraine. I became a refugee. One day I stayed in a queue to get a financial aid from Polish government. Nearby I noticed much bigger queue. I asked someone: "What is this queue for?" That person told me: "For hot-dogs!". I had been waiting for more than one hour, and I got my so expected hot-dog. There were two men staying at the kitchen. They were english-speaking, when almost 99% of clients didn't know English. They offered me to come next day and help them. I did. I came back each day and helped them to cook and serve. I consider, even if you are a refugee you should not only consume! In such way I created new connections and helped my country in such a hard times

  • Communication
  • Networking
  • Stress work skills
  • Altruism

Title: Volunteer Polish language teacher

Description: After the beginning of the war in Ukraine I became a refugee. Before all, I planed to study at the university in Poland, that’s why I had been learning Polish already for 3 years. Having escaped from my country at war to Poland I understood, that lots of people don’t speak Polish and it will make communication between Poles and Ukrainians more difficult. That’s why I decided to start my free course «Basics of Polish» for all people in need. Till now, there was created only one group, which consists on 3 people, but it’s better than nothing

  • Knowleadge revision
  • Teaching
  • Altruism